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Stack With Friends Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 3.0
 import "../common"

 Item {
   // make it span the whole scene
 //  anchors.top: gameScene.gameWindowAnchorItem.top
 //  width: gameScene.width
 //  height: header.height
   anchors.fill: gameScene.gameWindowAnchorItem

   // can either be "enterLevelName", "enterLevelNameInPublishing" or "enterUserName"
   property string dialogState

   // this may also be called after updating the username
   function publishLevel() {

     if(levelEditor.currentLevelNameString === qsTr("Unnamed")) {
       // prevent publishing with levelName unnamed
       dialogState = "enterLevelNameInPublishing"
       nativeUtils.displayTextInput("Enter levelName", "Enter a level name before you can publish this level. Choose a name that expresses what makes your level special.", "", levelEditor.currentLevelNameString)

     if(!gameNetwork.isUserNameSet(gameNetwork.userName)) {
       // prevent publishing if no authorName was set!
       dialogState = "enterUserName"
       nativeUtils.displayTextInput("Enter your name", "Before you can publish this level, enter your userName that will be shown to all other players.", "", gameNetwork.userName)

     if(cameFromScene === "menu") {
       mainItem.state = "menu"
     } else {
       mainItem.state = "selectLevel"
   Connections {
     id: nativeUtilsConnection

     target: nativeUtils
     onTextInputFinished: {
       if(accepted) {

         if(dialogState === "enterLevelName" || dialogState === "enterLevelNameInPublishing") {

           if(enteredText.indexOf(' ') !== -1) {
             nativeUtils.displayMessageBox("Invalid level name", "No whitespaces allowed!")

           if(enteredText.length > 20) {
             nativeUtils.displayMessageBox("Invalid level name", "A maximum of 20 characters is allowed!")

           if(gameNetwork.isValidUserInput(enteredText) && enteredText !== qsTr("Unnamed")) {
             levelEditor.saveCurrentLevel( {levelMetaData: {levelName: enteredText}} )

             if(dialogState ==="enterLevelNameInPublishing") {
               // if the level name was changed in the publishing process, continue with publishing
           } else {
             nativeUtils.displayMessageBox("Invalid level name", "You entered an invalid level name. Please do not use any swear words for your level name.")
         } else if(dialogState === "enterUserName") {

           var validName = gameNetwork.updateUserName(enteredText)
           if(!validName) {
             // maybe open another textInput here - this would then loop until a valid username is entered
             nativeUtils.displayMessageBox(qsTr(""), qsTr("You entered an invalid username, please try a different one. The username must not start with a number or contain any swearwords."))
           } else {
             //continue publishing the level - no the check for valid userName will pass and the level gets published

       dialogState = ""

   MultiResolutionImage {
     id: header
     source: "../../assets/img/levelstore-top.png"
     anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
     z: 1
     opacity: gameScene.state != "levelEditing" ? 0.5 : 1
     visible: gameScene.state === "levelEditing" || gameScene.state === "testing"

     Item {
       width: 39
       height: 39
       y: -1
       x: 5
       MultiResolutionImage {
         source: "../../assets/img/back-button.png"
         anchors.centerIn: parent
       MouseArea {
         anchors.fill: parent
         onClicked: {
           if(gameScene.state === "levelEditing" || gameScene.state === "testing") {
             // save the current level when going back if in editing mode
             levelEditor.saveCurrentLevel({levelMetaData: {levelName: levelEditor.currentLevelNameString}})

   //        // make sure the state is in levelEditing when left, otherwise the boxes would keep falling down
   //        scene.state = "levelEditing"
           // if previous state was level, return to the level menu!
           if(cameFromScene === "menu") {
             mainItem.state = "menu"
           } else {
             mainItem.state = "selectLevel"

     Row {
       id: headerRow

       z: 1
       spacing: 20
       x: 64

       MenuButton {
         text: "Balance"
         onClicked: itemEditor.visible = !itemEditor.visible
         // DONE: only make visible if the gameScene is entered in levelMode - currently the only game mode is levelMode
         active: itemEditor.visible
         clickable: levelEditor.isCurrentLevelOfLocation(levelEditor.authorGeneratedLevelsLocation)

       MenuButton {
         text: gameScene.state === "testing" ? "Edit" : "Test"
         onClicked: {
           if(text === "Edit")
             gameScene.state = "levelEditing"
           else {
             gameScene.state = "testing"
         // DONE: only make visible if the gameScene is entered in levelMode - currently the only game mode is levelMode
         clickable: levelEditor.isCurrentLevelOfLocation(levelEditor.authorGeneratedLevelsLocation)

       MenuButton {
         id: changeLevelNameButton
         text: "Level Name"
         onClicked: {
           dialogState = "enterLevelName"
           nativeUtils.displayTextInput("Enter levelName", "Enter a level name before you can publish this level. Choose a name that expresses what makes your level special.", "", levelEditor.currentLevelNameString)
         clickable: gameScene.state === "levelEditing"

       MenuButton {
         text: "Publish"

         onClicked: {
         // do not allow publishing for an already published web level; to do that, go to the local storage and re-press update there, then the name will also be updated
         clickable: gameScene.state === "levelEditing" && levelEditor.isCurrentLevelOfLocation(levelEditor.authorGeneratedLevelsLocation)

       MenuButton {
         text: "Delete" //levelEditor.isCurrentLevelOfLocation(levelEditor.authorGeneratedLevelsLocation) ? "Delete Local" : "Delete Online"
         onClicked: {


           // go back to the selection list
           mainItem.state = "selectLevel"
         clickable: gameScene.state === "levelEditing"

   MultiResolutionImage {
     id: buildButtons
     source: "../../assets/img/obstacle-buttons.png"
     anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
     z: 1
     property bool hide: false
     visible: gameScene.state === "levelEditing" && !hide
     Row {
       spacing: 10
       anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
       y: 5
       BuildEntityButton {
         toCreateEntityTypeUrl: Qt.resolvedUrl("../entities/ObstacleBlock.qml")

         width: 32
         height: 32

         // the obstacle is just a grey entity, we can customize the look of the button here
         Item {
           width: parent.width
           height: parent.height
           Image {
             source: "../../assets/img/block.png"
             width: 16
             height: 16
           Image {
             source: "../../assets/img/block.png"
             width: 16
             height: 16
             x: 16
           Image {
             source: "../../assets/img/block.png"
             width: 16
             height: 16
             y: 16
           Image {
             source: "../../assets/img/block.png"
             width: 16
             height: 16
             x: 16
             y: 16

         onEntityWasBuilt: {
           var entity = entityManager.getEntityById(builtEntityId)
           entity.entityState = "entitySelected"

       BuildEntityButton {
         toCreateEntityTypeUrl: Qt.resolvedUrl("../entities/ObstacleTriangle.qml")

         width: 32
         height: 32

         // the obstacle is just a grey entity, we can customize the look of the button here
         Image {
           width: parent.width
           height: parent.height
           source: "../../assets/img/block2.png"

         onEntityWasBuilt: {
           var entity = entityManager.getEntityById(builtEntityId)
           entity.entityState = "entitySelected"

   Image {
     visible: gameScene.state === "levelEditing"
     width: 16
     height: 16
     source: "../../assets/img/hide-obstacle-buttons.png"
     anchors.left: buildButtons.right
     anchors.bottom: buildButtons.bottom
     Text {
       text: buildButtons.hide ? "+" : "-"
       anchors.centerIn: parent
       color: "red"
       font.pixelSize: 16
     MouseArea {
       anchors.fill: parent
       onClicked: buildButtons.hide = !buildButtons.hide

   MultiResolutionImage {
     source: "../../assets/img/gamescene-top.png"
     anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
     z: 1
     opacity: 0.5
     visible: gameScene.state == "playing"

     Item {
       width: 39
       height: 39
       x: 12
       y: -1
       MultiResolutionImage {
         source: "../../assets/img/back-button.png"
         anchors.centerIn: parent
       MouseArea {
         anchors.fill: parent
         onClicked: {
           if(cameFromScene === "menu") {
             mainItem.state = "menu"
           } else {
             mainItem.state = "selectLevel"
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