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Squaby Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "SquabyCreatorLogic.js" as Logic

 // this component creates the squabies based on a time
 Item {
     id: squabyCreator
     // running gets accessed by SquabyScene, when the game is paused
     // it is false by default! only when enabled & running is set to true, it will start creating squabies!
     property alias running: creationTimer.running

     // this property can be used to completely turn off
     property bool enabled: true

     // the waves may be changed at runtime, when the level is changed!
     property variant waves: level.waves

     // currentWave starts with 1, not with 0!
     // this gets updated internally by Logic! if it gets modified, forward the change to the player.wave property in onCurrentWaveChanged!
     // is resetted to 1 in initialize()
     property int currentWave: 1

     // gets updated internally by logic, if e.g. the wave has 4 squabies and 1 is already created, percentageCreated is 0.25
     // can be connected to the wave progress bar in the hud
     property real percentageCreatedInWave: 1

     //  this reduces the delay between 2 squaby creations by this value per wave
     property int squabyDelayDecrementPerWave: level.loadedLevel ? level.loadedLevel.squabyDelayDecrementPerWave : 100
     property int pauseBetweenWavesDecrementPerWave: level.loadedLevel ? level.loadedLevel.pauseBetweenWavesDecrementPerWave : 300

     // this guarantees that at high wave count the delay never gets lower than this number
     property int minimumSquabyDelay: level.loadedLevel ? level.loadedLevel.minimumSquabyDelay : 500 // this setting has high impact on performance - if set too low, a heap of squabies gets created which might cause the application to run slowly on slow devices!
     property int minimumPauseBetweenWaves: level.loadedLevel ? level.loadedLevel.minimumPauseBetweenWaves : 500

     // this is not used yet
     property int initialDelayWhenGameStarts: 2000

     property int squabiesBuiltInCurrentWave: 0
     property int amountSquabiesInCurrentWave: 1
     property int currentActiveSquabies: 0
     property bool endlessGameRunning: false

     onCurrentActiveSquabiesChanged: {

     function triggerLevelChange() {
       if(currentActiveSquabies <= 0 && currentWave>waves.length && !endlessGameRunning) {
         if(level.endlessGame) {
         } else {

     function squabyDied(squabyType) {

     // these 2 properties are needed to be able to pause the squaby creation and pause mode between waves
     property date __lastStartedTime
     // is only set when the game was paused, otherwise it has value 0
     property int timeSpentBeforePaused: 0
     // just for debugging internally
 //    property alias timer: creationTimer
 //    property int lastTimeSpent
 //    property int newInterval
 //    property int oldInterval
 //    // make as big as the scene for debugging
 //    anchors.fill: parent
 //    Text {
 //      text: "timeSpentBeforePaused: " + timeSpentBeforePaused + "\nlastStart: " + __lastStartedTime + "\nlastTimeSpent: " + lastTimeSpent + "\nnewInterval: " + newInterval + "\noldInterval:" + oldInterval + "\ninterval: " + timer.interval + "\ncurrentSquabyDelay: " + currentSquabyDelay + "\ncurrentPauseBetweenWaves: " + currentPauseBetweenWaves
 //    }

     // set the player property to the one from here
     Binding {
       target: player
       property: "squabiesBuiltInCurrentWave"
       value: squabiesBuiltInCurrentWave

     // is called when player wants to play endless
     function continueEndless() {
       endlessGameRunning = true

     // is called every time the game gets restarted
     function restart() {


       currentActiveSquabies = 0
       endlessGameRunning = false

       // is this really required? we are single-threaded anyway


       // this is important, otherwise the first trigger would not be called
       timeSpentBeforePaused = 0

       // this must be set AFTER initialize(), because there the interval is set to the one of the first wave!
       // not supported yet, start immediately!
       //creationTimer.interval = initialDelayWhenGameStarts

     // is called every time the game gets restarted
     function reset() {
       currentActiveSquabies = 0
       endlessGameRunning = false

       // is this really required? we are single-threaded anyway


       // this is important, otherwise the first trigger would not be called
       timeSpentBeforePaused = 0

     function start() {



       // this happened before, when start() was also called in entering the default scene state, and from enterScene()
       // however, if called multiple times the interval would be reduced twice
       if(running) {
         console.debug("ERROR: SquabyCreator was already running, but start() was called again - this is a programmer error and should not happen")

       if(timeSpentBeforePaused != 0) {

         var newInterval = creationTimer.interval - timeSpentBeforePaused

         //console.debug("_________SquabyCreator.start: timeSpentBeforePaused:", timeSpentBeforePaused, ", old interval:", creationTimer.interval, ", new interval:", newInterval)
         //lastTimeSpent = timeSpentBeforePaused
         //oldInterval = creationTimer.interval

         if(newInterval <= 0) {
           // this causes an immediate trigger
           timeSpentBeforePaused = 0
         } else {
           // this causes the squaby not be created immediately, because timeSpentBeforePaused is set
           // a change of interval automatically restarts the timer (if it is running) - but since start will only be called when it is not running, it is safe to do so here
           creationTimer.interval = newInterval

       // if timeSpentBeforePaused has a value here, no squaby is created immediately
       // otherwise, a squaby is created immediately because onTriggered() is called when running changes to true because triggeredOnStart is set to true
       running = true


     function pause() {

       var now = new Date()
       var dt = now - __lastStartedTime
       console.debug("SquabyCreator.pause: timeSpentBeforePaused:", dt, ", current interval:", creationTimer.interval)
       timeSpentBeforePaused = dt

       running = false

     // is only called when switched to the levelEditing state - the squaby creation should not be paused then, but fully stopped
     function stop() {
       // resets this variable, so the next call of start() will create a squaby immediately
       timeSpentBeforePaused = 0
       running = false

     Component.onCompleted: {

     onEnabledChanged: {
         console.debug("SquabyCreator: changed enabled to:", enabled);
         if(enabled && !running) {
             running = true;
         if(!enabled && running)
             running = false;

     onRunningChanged: {
         console.debug("SquabyCreator: onRunningChanged to:", running);

         // only allow setting running to true when enabled is true!
         if(running && !enabled) {
             console.debug("SquabyCreator: running was true, but enabled was false, thus change running to false as well");
             running = false;

         console.debug("SquabyCreator: after modifying running, changed running to:", running);

     onWavesChanged: {
       console.debug("SquabyCreator: waves changed! initialize now!")

       // this happens, when the level changes and the waves change

     onCurrentWaveChanged: {
       console.debug("SquabyCreator: currentWave changed to", currentWave)
       player.wave = currentWave;

     Timer {
         id: creationTimer
         // the interval gets modified in which wave level the player currently is
         //interval: 7000
         interval: initialDelayWhenGameStarts
         repeat: true
         // the running-property should be set from outside! defaults to false - if not set from outside (by setting running of SquabyCreator to true) it will not start
         // update: this gets set explicitly by calling restart() from the SquabyScene, otherwise the squabies would be created from the beginning!
         //running: squabyCreator.enabled && creationTimer.running

         // TODO: do not set this to true, so there is more time when the game starts!
         // not supported yet, start immediately!
         // NOTE: when restart() is called, onTriggered will be called immediately when this is set to true!
         triggeredOnStart: true // call onTriggered when started, so a squaby is created immediately when started

         onTriggered: {

             if(timeSpentBeforePaused != 0) {
               console.debug("SquabyCreator.onTriggered: do not create yet and wait for the next interval, time spent:", timeSpentBeforePaused, ", interval:", interval)
               // reset it here - this should only happen once - if it is resumed multiple times, timeSpentBeforePaused gets set multiple times
               timeSpentBeforePaused = 0


             // if the interval was not changed, e.g. because within the same wave, the last started time should still be reset here
             __lastStartedTime = new Date()


         onRunningChanged: {
           if(running) {
             // required to be able to calculate the correct pause time
             __lastStartedTime = new Date()
             //console.debug("_________SquabyCreator.onRunningChanged to true")
         // a change of the interval also triggers a restart of the timer, which would not be detected otherwise!
         onIntervalChanged: {
           if(running) {
             // required to be able to calculate the correct pause time
             __lastStartedTime = new Date()
             //console.debug("_________SquabyCreator.onIntervalChanged to", interval, ", restarting the timer")

     function createNextSquabyImmediately() {
       // don't allow instant spawning in tutorials
       if(tutorials.running == true && !tutorials.nextAction("squabyCreator","immediately"))

       if(squabiesBuiltInCurrentWave >= amountSquabiesInCurrentWave && currentWave >= waves.length)

       //  When creating instantly we can ignore the pause time.
       timeSpentBeforePaused = 0

       var returnVal = new Date() - __lastStartedTime

       if(squabiesBuiltInCurrentWave >= amountSquabiesInCurrentWave) {
         // next wave time
         returnVal = Logic.currentPauseBetweenWaves-returnVal
       } else {
         // next squaby time
         returnVal = Logic.currentSquabyDelay-returnVal

         // this is sent by the HUD at pressing the wave button
         // it can be used to reduce waiting between waves, or to immediately create
         creationTimer.restart(); // this would not be needed when it is guaranteed the interval changes, but since it may be the same if defined by user, make sure restart() is called before!
         // a restart() with enabled triggeredOnStart-property causes Logic.timerTriggered() to be called immediately already

       return returnVal

     function createNextSingleSquabyImmediately() {

     // TODO: the logic could make use of these states as well!
     states: [
         State {
             name: "waitingForNextSquaby"

         State {
             // this is active, when the last squaby of a wave was created - the next time Logic.timerTriggered() is called the wave-counter will be increased!
             name: "waitingForNextWave"

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