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Squaby Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 Item {
   id: tutorialSelection

   property bool running: false
   property string currentLevel: ""
   property url currentTutorialUrl: ""
   property bool paused: false
   property real deltaX: 0//(scene.gameWindowAnchorItem.width-scene.width)/2
   property real deltaY: (scene.gameWindowAnchorItem.height-scene.height)/2

   onCurrentLevelChanged: {
     if(currentLevel === "" || currentLevel === "UndefinedLevel") {
       running = false
       currentTutorialUrl = ""
       // SquabyCreator might be disabled during tutorial so we should enable it
       squabyCreator.enabled = true

     // Load according tutorials based on the loaded levelname
     if(currentLevel === "Level 1") {
       currentTutorialUrl = "TutorialsNailGun.qml"
       running = true
     } else if(currentLevel === "Level 2") {
       currentTutorialUrl = "TutorialsFlamethrower.qml"
       running = true
     } else if(currentLevel === "Level 3") {
       currentTutorialUrl = "TutorialsTurbine.qml"
       running = true
     } else {
       running = false
       currentTutorialUrl = ""
       // SquabyCreator might be disabled during tutorial so we should enable it
       squabyCreator.enabled = true

   function nextAction(source,action,position) {
     if(currentTutorialUrl === "" || paused)
       return true

     if(tutorialImpl.item) {
       var returnValue = tutorialImpl.item.nextAction(source,action,position)
       if(!returnValue) {
       return returnValue
     return true

   function reset() {
     paused = false

     if(currentTutorialUrl === "")

     if(tutorialImpl.item) {
     notAllowedMessage.opacity = 0.0

   function pause() {
     paused = true

     if(currentTutorialUrl === "")

     if(tutorialImpl.item) {
     notAllowedMessage.opacity = 0.0

   function resume() {
     paused = false

     if(currentTutorialUrl === "")

     if(tutorialImpl.item) {

 //  GameParticle {
 //    id: notificationParticle
 //    fileName: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../particles/TutorialNotification.json")
 //    autoStart: false
 //    scale: 0.5
 //  }

   Loader {
     id: tutorialImpl
     source: tutorialSelection.currentTutorialUrl

   Item {
     id: action
     visible: false
     width: sprite.width
     height: sprite.height

     onVisibleChanged: {
       // reset scale, might be not 1.0 when running disabled, then next time it runs, this will be the default value instead of the original size.
       scale = 1.0

     NumberAnimation {
       running: action.visible; target: action; property: "scale"; duration: 1800; easing.type: Easing.SineCurve
       loops: -1; to: 1.3

     SingleSquabySprite {
       id: sprite
       source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../../assets/img/menu_labels/hint.png")
       anchors.centerIn: parent

   Text {
     id: notAllowedMessage
     x: scene.gameWindowAnchorItem.x+scene.gameWindowAnchorItem.width/2-notAllowedMessage.width/2
     y: scene.gameWindowAnchorItem.y+scene.gameWindowAnchorItem.height/2-notAllowedMessage.height/2
     text: "Not Allowed!"
     color: "white"
     opacity: 0

     function show() {
       notAllowedMessage.opacity = 1

     Behavior on opacity {
       // the cross-fade animation should last 350ms
       NumberAnimation { duration: 450 }

     onOpacityChanged: {
       if(opacity >= 1) {

     Timer {
       id: hideMessage
       interval: 700
       repeat: false
       onTriggered: {
         notAllowedMessage.opacity = 0
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded