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Squaby Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 TowerBaseSprite {
   id: turbineSprite

   // all upgrade states have the same base image
   spriteSheetSource: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/img/spritesheets/turbine/1-Turbine_base.png")
 //  property string spriteSheetSourceTower: frameElement+"-Turbine_idle.png"
   property alias running: explodeSprite.running

   property alias sprite: explodeSprite

   scale: 0.875

   Item {
     rotation: turbineSprite.parent.rotation
     GameSpriteSequence {
       id: explodeSprite
       anchors.centerIn: parent

       defaultSource: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/img/spritesheets/turbine/turbine.png")

       // the animation should NOT run from the beginning! once jumpTo is called, it gets set to true automatically!
 //      running: false

       GameSprite {
         id: idle
         name: "idle"
         startFrameColumn: 1
         startFrameRow: frameElement
         frameCount: 1
         frameWidth: 32
         frameHeight: 32
 //        frameRate: 0 // with a frameCount of 10 and a frameRate of 60 (= frameDuration of 25ms), the whole animation takes 167ms to complete
 //        restoreOriginalFrame: false // stop with the last frame (the exploded state)
 //        loop: false
         // setting a long frameDuration is a performance improvement, because the animation isnt switched internally then
         frameDuration: 100000

       GameSprite {
         id: explodeAnimation
         name: "explode"
         startFrameColumn: 2
         startFrameRow: frameElement
         frameCount: 4
         frameWidth: 32
         frameHeight: 32
         frameRate: 10 // with a frameCount of 10 and a frameRate of 60 (= frameDuration of 25ms), the whole animation takes 167ms to complete
 //        restoreOriginalFrame: false // stop with the last frame (the exploded state)
 //        loop: false
         to: { "explodeLastFrame": 1 }

       GameSprite {
         id: explodeLastFrameAnimation
         name: "explodeLastFrame"
         startFrameColumn: explodeAnimation.startFrameColumn+explodeAnimation.frameCount - 1
         startFrameRow: frameElement
         frameCount: 1
         frameWidth: 32
         frameHeight: 32
         frameRate: 100000

     GameSpriteSequence {
       id: whirlSprite

       defaultSource: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/img/spritesheets/turbine/whirl.png")

       // by default, the turbine should not whirl and not be visible!
       visible: false

       // only run the animation when this sprite is visible (state=whirl)
       running: false

       x: -whirlSprite.width/2
       // the center of the sprite is not the whirl origin, so move this sprite by hand so it looks good
       // this offset is an arbitrary number, tested visually!
       y: -16

       GameSprite {
         id: whirlAnimation
         name: "whirl"
 //        frameNames: [
 //          "wrl-Turbine_01.png",
 //          "wrl-Turbine_02.png",
 //          "wrl-Turbine_03.png"
 //        ]

         frameCount: 3
         frameRate: 60
         frameWidth: 64
         frameHeight: 64
 //        loop: true


   function explode() {

   function repair() {

   states: [
     State {
       name: "whirl"
       PropertyChanges { target: whirlSprite; visible: true}
       PropertyChanges { target: whirlSprite; running: true}
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded