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Squaby Demo

 import QtQuick 2.0
 import Felgo 4.0

 LevelStore {

   // only needed when creating the iap in iTunes & Google Play
   //Component.onCompleted: printStoreProductLists()

   version: 1
   // Replace with your own custom secret
   secret: ""
   // From Google Play Developer Console
   androidPublicKey: ""

   property alias noAdsGood : noAdsGood
   property alias money5Pack: money5Pack
   property alias money10Pack: money10Pack
   property alias money50Pack: money50Pack

   goods: [
     LifetimeGood {
       id: noAdsGood
       itemId: "no_ads_id_sq"
       name: "No Ads"
       description: "Remove the ads"
       purchaseType: StorePurchase { id: noAdsPurchase; productId: noAdsGood.itemId; price: 0.89; }

   currencies: [
     Currency { id: moneyCurrency; itemId: "currency_money_id"; name: "money"; }

   currencyPacks: [
     CurrencyPack {
       id: money5Pack
       itemId: "money_pack_5_id_sq"
       name: "5 Credits"
       description: "05 credits"
       currencyId: moneyCurrency.itemId // The currency you want to offer with this pack
       currencyAmount: 5
       purchaseType:  StorePurchase { id: money2Purchase; productId: money5Pack.itemId; price: 0.89;}
     CurrencyPack {
       id: money10Pack
       itemId: "money_pack_10_id_sq"
       name: "10 Credits"
       description: "10 credits"
       currencyId: moneyCurrency.itemId // The currency you want to offer with this pack
       currencyAmount: 10
       purchaseType:  StorePurchase { id: money10Purchase; productId: money10Pack.itemId; price: 1.79; }
     CurrencyPack {
       id: money50Pack
       itemId: "money_pack_50_id_sq"
       name: "50 Credits"
       description: "50 credits"
       currencyId: moneyCurrency.itemId // The currency you want to offer with this pack
       currencyAmount: 50
       purchaseType:  StorePurchase { id: money50Purchase; productId: money50Pack.itemId; price: 2.69; }

   onInsufficientFundsError: {
     // this is handled in LevelScene - the buyCreditDialog is shown
     console.debug("SquabyLevelStore: insufficientFunds")
     //NativeUtils.displayMessageBox("Not enough Credits", "You do not have enough credits to purchase this level. You can buy more credits by clicking on the \"Credits\" text top right. \nOr earn more credits by unlocking achievements (see the Felgo Game Network from the main menu).", 1)

   onStorePurchased: {
   onStorePurchaseCancelled: {
   onStorePurchaseStarted: {
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