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Platformer with Level Editor

 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.0

 // the PinchArea enables pinch-zooming (2-finger-zoom)
 PinchArea {
   id: pinchArea

   // this is the gameScene, under which this underlay is put
   property var scene: parent

   // makes accessing editorOverlay easier
   property var editorOverlay: scene.editorOverlay

   // disabled by default
   enabled: false

   // the pinch and mouse area should fill the game window, not just the scene
   anchors.fill: parent.gameWindowAnchorItem

   onPinchStarted: console.debug("pinch started")

   onPinchUpdated: {
     // calculate actual zoom factor
     var zoomFactor = pinch.scale / pinch.previousScale

     // apply zoom
     scene.camera.applyZoom(zoomFactor, pinch.startCenter)

   onPinchFinished: console.debug("pinch finished")

   // mouse area for object placement and camera movement
   // Note: We have to put the MouseArea inside the PinchArea for both areas to work.
   // This is a known issue: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-35273
   MouseArea {
     id: baseEditMouseArea

     anchors.fill: parent

     // enabled, if pinch area is enabled
     enabled: pinchArea.enabled

     // The time since the last try to place an entity. We
     // use this to add some time between placing entities
     // in draw mode. This improves the performance, since
     // we don't need to check if the entity can be built
     // in every frame.
     property var lastCreateTime: 0

     // store previous mouse location to calculate drag movement for camera
     property point prevMouseLocation: Qt.point(0, 0)

     // to check how much the camera was moved in a whole drag
     property point dragStartPosition

     // here we store the distance of the last mouse drag
     property real dragDistance: 0

     // When draw-creating, or -removing entities, we want to be able to undo/redo
     // the whole draw stroke at once. This list temporarily holds all created/removed
     // entities, while the drawing is in progress. onRelease this list is pushed to
     // the undoHandler and reset.
     property var undoObjectsSubList: []

     onClicked: {
       // if in draw mode,
       // OR if in hand mode AND the mouse moved just a little bit...
       // (We add this dragDistance check, because we also want to place an entity
       // if the user clicks to place, but the mouse/finger moves a little bit
       // during the click)
       if(editorOverlay.sidebar.activeTool === "draw" || (editorOverlay.sidebar.activeTool === "hand" && dragDistance < 4)) {
         // ...place entity
         var entity = editorOverlay.placeEntityAtPosition(mouseX, mouseY)

         // if entity was successfully created
         if(entity) {
           // add undoObject to undoHandler
           var undoObjectProperties = {"target": entity, "action": "create",
             "currentPosition": Qt.point(entity.x, entity.y)}
           var undoObject = editorOverlay.undoHandler.createUndoObject(undoObjectProperties)

     onPressed: {
       // if draw editorOverlay.sidebar.activeTool is active, set editorOverlay.selectedButton property to currently
       // selected BuildEntityButton
       if(editorOverlay.sidebar.activeTool === "draw") {
         for(var i=0; i<editorOverlay.sidebar.buttons.length; i++) {
           if(editorOverlay.sidebar.buttons[i].isSelected) {
             editorOverlay.selectedButton = editorOverlay.sidebar.buttons[i]

       if(editorOverlay.sidebar.activeTool === "hand") {
         // save current mouse location
         prevMouseLocation.x = mouseX
         prevMouseLocation.y = mouseY

         // save drag start position
         dragStartPosition = Qt.point(mouseX, mouseY)

     // this is called every time the mouse is moved while it's pressed
     onPositionChanged: {
       if(editorOverlay.sidebar.activeTool === "draw") {
         var currentTime = new Date().getTime() // get current time

         // Calculate time since last try to create an entity.
         // If it's over a threshold, try to place another entity.
         // This improves the performance, as we don't have to
         // check for collisions on every position change.
         if(currentTime - lastCreateTime > 5) {
           // place entity
           var entity = editorOverlay.placeEntityAtPosition(mouseX, mouseY)

           // if entity was successfully created
           if(entity) {
             // add undoObject of entity to temporary undoObjectsSubList
             var undoObjectProperties = {"target": entity, "action": "create",
               "currentPosition": Qt.point(entity.x, entity.y)}
             var undoObject = editorOverlay.undoHandler.createUndoObject(undoObjectProperties)


             // save new lastCreateTime
             lastCreateTime = new Date().getTime()
       else if(editorOverlay.sidebar.activeTool === "erase") {
         // convert mouse to level coordinates
         var mousePosInLevel = editorOverlay.mouseToLevelCoordinates(mouseX, mouseY)
         // get body at mouse position
         var body = physicsWorld.bodyAt(mousePosInLevel)

         // if body exists, remove entity
         if(body) {
           // get target object
           var target = body.target

           // remove entitiy
           var undoObject = editorOverlay.removeEntity(target)

           // add undoObject to temporary undoObjectsSubList
       else if(editorOverlay.sidebar.activeTool === "hand"){
         // move camera
         // calculate mouse movement since last frame
         var deltaX = prevMouseLocation.x - mouseX
         var deltaY = prevMouseLocation.y - mouseY

         // update camera position
         scene.camera.moveFreeCamera(deltaX, deltaY)

         // save current mouse location as previous mouse location
         prevMouseLocation.x = mouseX
         prevMouseLocation.y = mouseY

     onReleased: {
       if(editorOverlay.sidebar.activeTool === "draw" || editorOverlay.sidebar.activeTool === "erase") {
         if(undoObjectsSubList.length > 0) {
           // push undoObjectsSubList to undoHandler

           // reset undoObjectsSubList
           undoObjectsSubList = []
       else if(editorOverlay.sidebar.activeTool === "hand") {
         // calculate moving distance since pressed event
         var deltaX = dragStartPosition.x - mouseX
         var deltaY = dragStartPosition.y - mouseY

         // calculate the total distance of the drag
         dragDistance = Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY)

         // apply the current movement velocity to the camera
     } // onReleased end

     onWheel: {
       // get mouse position
       var mousePos = Qt.point(wheel.x, wheel.y)

       // determine if the mouse wheel is rotated upwards or downwards
       // zoom in or out, depending on the rotation direction
       if(wheel.angleDelta.y > 0)
         scene.camera.applyZoom(1.05, mousePos)
         scene.camera.applyZoom(1 / 1.05, mousePos)

       console.debug("zoom via mouseWheel")
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