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Juicy Squash - Match-3 Game

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0

 EntityBase {
   id: block

   // allow entitymanager-pooling of entities
   entityType: "block"
   poolingEnabled: true

   // hide block if outside of game area
   enabled: opacity == 1

   // each block knows its type and position on the field
   property int type
   property int row
   property int column

   property int previousRow
   property int previousColumn

   // emit a signal when block should be swapped with another
   signal swapBlock(int row, int column, int targetRow, int targetColumn)
   signal swapFinished(int row, int column, int swapRow, int swapColumn)
   signal fallDownFinished(var block)

   // show different images for block types
   Image {
     anchors.fill: parent
     source: {
       if (type == 0)
         return "../../assets/img/fruits/Apple.png"
       else if(type == 1)
         return "../../assets/img/fruits/Banana.png"
       else if (type == 2)
         return "../../assets/img/fruits/Orange.png"
       else if (type == 3)
         return "../../assets/img/fruits/Pear.png"
       else if (type == 4)
         return "../../assets/img/fruits/BlueBerry.png"
       else if (type == 5)
         return "../../assets/img/fruits/WaterMelon.png"
       else if (type == 6)
         return "../../assets/img/fruits/Coconut.png"
         return "../../assets/img/fruits/Lemon.png"

   // handle mouse events to initialize swapping of blocks when dragging
   MouseArea {
     id: mouse
     anchors.fill: parent

     // properties to handle dragging
     property bool dragging
     property bool waitForRelease
     property var dragStart

     // start drag on press
     onPressed: mouse => {
       if(!dragging && !waitForRelease) {
         dragging = true
         dragStart = { x: mouse.x, y: mouse.y }
     // stop drag on release
     onReleased: mouse => {
       dragging = false
       waitForRelease = false
     // trigger swap of blocks after player swiped a certain distance
     onPositionChanged: mouse => {
       if(!dragging || waitForRelease)

       var xDistance = mouse.x - dragStart.x
       var yDistance = mouse.y - dragStart.y

       if((Math.abs(xDistance) < block.width/2)
           && (Math.abs(yDistance) < block.height/2))

       var targetRow = block.row
       var targetCol = block.column

       if(Math.abs(xDistance) > Math.abs(yDistance)) {
         if(xDistance > 0)
       else {
         if(yDistance > 0)

       // signal block move
       dragging = false
       waitForRelease = true
       block.swapBlock(row, column, targetRow, targetCol)

   // rectangle for highlight effect
   Rectangle {
     id: highlightRect
     color: "white"
     anchors.fill: parent
     anchors.centerIn: parent
     opacity: 0
     z: 1

   // particle effect
   Item {
     id: particleItem
     width: parent.width
     height: parent.height
     x: parent.width/2
     y: parent.height/2

 //    GameParticle {
 //      id: sparkleParticle
 //      fileName: "../particles/FruitySparkle.json"
 //    }
     opacity: 0
     visible: opacity > 0
     enabled: opacity > 0

   // fade out block before removal
   NumberAnimation {
     id: fadeOutAnimation
     target: block
     property: "opacity"
     duration: 500
     from: 1.0
     to: 0

     // remove block after fade out is finished
     onStopped: {
 //      sparkleParticle.stop()

   // fade out block before removal
   NumberAnimation {
     id: fadeInAnimation
     target: block
     property: "opacity"
     duration: 1000
     from: 0
     to: 1

   // animation to let blocks fall down
   NumberAnimation {
     id: fallDownAnimation
     target: block
     property: "y"
     onStopped: {

   // timer to wait with fall-down until other blocks fade out
   Timer {
     id: fallDownTimer
     interval: fadeOutAnimation.duration
     repeat: false
     running: false
     onTriggered: {

   // timer to wait a bit before signal swap finished
   Timer {
     id: signalSwapFinished
     interval: 50
     onTriggered: swapFinished(block.previousRow, block.previousColumn, block.row, block.column)

   // animation to move a block after swipe
   NumberAnimation {
     id: swapAnimation
     target: block
     duration: 150
     onStopped: {
       signalSwapFinished.start() // trigger swapFinished

   // animation for highlighting a block
   SequentialAnimation {
     id: highlightAnimation
     loops: Animation.Infinite
     NumberAnimation {
       target: highlightRect
       property: "opacity"
       duration: 750
       from: 0
       to: 0.35
     NumberAnimation {
       target: highlightRect
       property: "opacity"
       duration: 750
       from: 0.35
       to: 0

   // start fade out / removal of block
   function remove() {
     particleItem.opacity = 1
 //    sparkleParticle.start()

   // trigger fall down of block
   function fallDown(distance) {
     // complete previous fall before starting a new one

     // move with 100 ms per block
     // e.g. moving down 2 blocks takes 200 ms
     fallDownAnimation.duration = 100 * distance
     fallDownAnimation.to = block.y + distance * block.height

     // wait for removal of other blocks before falling down

   // function to move block one step left/right/up or down
   function swap(targetRow, targetCol) {

     block.previousRow = block.row
     block.previousColumn = block.column

     if(targetRow !== block.row) {
       swapAnimation.property = "y"
       swapAnimation.to = block.y +
           (targetRow > block.row ? block.height : -block.height)
       block.row = targetRow
     else if(targetCol !== block.column) {
       swapAnimation.property = "x"
       swapAnimation.to = block.x +
           (targetCol > block.column ? block.width : -block.width)
       block.column = targetCol


   // highlights the block to help the player find groups
   function highlight(active) {
     if(active) {
       highlightRect.opacity = 0
     else {
       highlightRect.opacity = 0

   // fade in
   function fadeIn() {
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