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Flappy Bird Game

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "../entities"

 Item {
   id: numbers
   width: row.width
   height: row.heigth
   property string color
   property int number: 0

   property string imagePath: "../../assets/img/"

   function truncate(_value)
     if (_value<0) return Math.ceil(_value);
     else return Math.floor(_value);

   onNumberChanged: {
     if(number > 9999) number = 9999
     var trailingZero = true

     var unit = truncate((number / 1000) % 10)
     if((trailingZero && unit <= 0) || unit >= 10) {
       position1000.source = Qt.resolvedUrl(imagePath + "empty_big.png")
     } else {
       trailingZero = false
       position1000.source = Qt.resolvedUrl(imagePath + unit+"_big"+color+".png")

     unit = truncate((number / 100) % 10)
     if((trailingZero && unit <= 0) || unit >= 10) {
       position100.source = Qt.resolvedUrl(imagePath + "empty_big.png")
     } else {
       trailingZero = false
       position100.source = Qt.resolvedUrl(imagePath + unit+"_big"+color+".png")

     unit = truncate((number / 10) % 10)
     if((trailingZero && unit <= 0) || unit >= 10) {
       position10.source = Qt.resolvedUrl(imagePath + "empty_big.png")
     } else {
       position10.source = Qt.resolvedUrl(imagePath + unit+"_big"+color+".png")

     unit = truncate(number % 10)
     // test also if there is remainder, if no remainder it might be 10 and the first number is needed, otherwise a fragment is displayed.
     if(number % 10 && ((trailingZero && unit <= 0) || unit >= 10)) {
       position1.source = imagePath + "empty_big.png"
     } else {
       position1.source = Qt.resolvedUrl(imagePath + unit+"_big"+color+".png")

     if(number <= 0) {
       position1.source = Qt.resolvedUrl(imagePath + "0_big"+color+".png")

   Row {
     id: row
     height: position1.height
     x: number >= 1000 ? -12 : number >= 100 ? -24 : number >= 10 ? -36 : -48

     MultiResolutionImage {
       id: position1000
       source: Qt.resolvedUrl(imagePath + "empty_big.png")
     MultiResolutionImage {
       id: position100
       source: Qt.resolvedUrl(imagePath + "empty_big.png")
     MultiResolutionImage {
       id: position10
       source: Qt.resolvedUrl(imagePath + "empty_big.png")

     MultiResolutionImage {
       id: position1
       source: Qt.resolvedUrl(imagePath + "0_big"+color+".png")
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded