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Crazy Carousel Game

 import Felgo 4.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import "../common"

 SceneBase {

     // the "logical size" - the scene content is auto-scaled to match the GameWindow size
     width: 320
     height: 480

     // property alias to allow switching the background later
     property alias backgroundImage: background

     // background image is based on game window (bigger as logical scene)
     BackgroundImage {
         id: background
         anchors.centerIn: titleScene.gameWindowAnchorItem
         source: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/CarouselTitle.jpg")

     // play button to start game
     Text {
         id: text
         text: "play!"
         color: "black"
         x: 60
         y: 380
         z: 1
         font.pixelSize:  20
         font.family: "Arial"

         // start new game when start is clicked
         MouseArea {
             width: parent.width
             height: parent.height

             onClicked: {
                 gameWindow.state = "game"

     // alternate text color of play button over time
     Timer {
         id: colorTimer
         interval: 1000 // 1 sec
         repeat: true
         running: true
         onTriggered: {
             if(text.color == "#000000")
                 text.color = "yellow"
                 text.color = "black"

     // sound effect when clicking the play button
     GameSoundEffect {
         id: clickSound
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded