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2048 - Puzzle Game

 import QtQuick 2.2
 import Felgo 4.0

   id: tile
   entityType: "Tile"

   width: gridWidth / gridSizeGame
   height: width // square so height=width

   property int tileIndex // is responsible for a position of the tile
   property int tileValue // tileValue is what gets incremented everytime 2 tiles get merged
   property color tileColor
   property color tileTextColor: "white"
   property string tileText

   // tileFontSize is deduced from the tile width, therefore it will always fit into the tile(up to 10^5)
   property int tileFontSize: width/3

   // animationDuration is responsible for how long an animation will go
   // 500ms for desktop and 250ms for mobiles
   property int animationDuration: system.desktopPlatform ? 500 : 250

   // tileColor corresponds to the tileValue
   property var bgColors: ["#000000", "#88B605", "#587603", "#293601", "#48765F", "#1A9C70", "#14C3B6", "#1591B6", "#1668C3", "#1C15B6", "#821DB6", "#C31555"]

   // tile rectangle
   Rectangle {
     id: innerRect
     anchors.centerIn: parent // center this object in the invisible "EntityBase"
     width: parent.width-2 // -2 is the width offset, set it to 0 is no offset is needed
     height: width // square so height=width
     radius: 4 // radius of tile corners
     color: bgColors[tileValue]

     // tile text
     Text {
       id: innerRectText
       anchors.centerIn: parent // center this object in the "innerRect"
       color: tileTextColor
       font.pixelSize: tileFontSize
       text: Math.pow(2, tileValue) // tileValue gets squared according to the 2048 rules (1,2,3) ->(2,4,6)

   // startup position calculation
   Component.onCompleted: {
     x = (width) * (tileIndex % gridSizeGame) // we get the current row and multiply with the width to get the current position
     y = (height) * Math.floor(tileIndex/gridSizeGame) // we get the current column and multiply with the width to get the current position
     tileValue = Math.random() < 0.9 ? 1 : 2 // a new tile has 10% = 4 and 90% = 2
     showTileAnim.start() // new tile animation trigger

   // this methods gets called everytime a tile moves
   // it has exactly the same kind of behaviour as our privious bethod
   // however, the values get transfered to a targetPoint to simplify our movement animations
   function moveTile(newTileIndex) {
     tileIndex = newTileIndex
     moveTileAnim.targetPoint.x = ((width) * (tileIndex % gridSizeGame))
     moveTileAnim.targetPoint.y = ((height) * Math.floor(tileIndex/gridSizeGame))

   function destroyTile() { // trigger tile death animation

   // in a parallel animation, animations which are inside will run at the same time
   ParallelAnimation {
     id: showTileAnim

     // number animation works with any real number
     NumberAnimation {
       target: innerRect // specify the target of the animation
       property: "opacity" // specify the property that will be animated
       from: 0.0
       to: 1.0
       duration: animationDuration

     // ScaleAnimator used for scaling
     ScaleAnimator {
       target: innerRect
       from: 0
       to: 1
       duration: animationDuration
       easing.type: Easing.OutQuad // Easing used to put some live action in your animation

   // movement animation
   ParallelAnimation {
     id: moveTileAnim
     property point targetPoint: Qt.point(0,0)
     NumberAnimation {
       target: tile
       property: "x"
       duration: animationDuration/2
       to: moveTileAnim.targetPoint.x
     NumberAnimation {
       target: tile
       property: "y"
       duration: animationDuration/2
       to: moveTileAnim.targetPoint.y

   // a ScriptAction is treated like an animation, so the SequentialAnimation will call this script after the previous animation has finished
   // in other words, when the tile is completely faded out, it will be removed
   SequentialAnimation {
     id: deathAnimation
     NumberAnimation {
       target: innerRect
       property: "opacity"
       from: 1
       to: 0
       duration: animationDuration/2
     ScriptAction {
       script: removeEntity() // removesEntity from the game
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