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Maps Demo App

 import Felgo 3.0
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import QtQuick.XmlListModel 2.0
 import QtLocation 5.5
 import QtPositioning 5.5
 import Qt.labs.settings 1.0

 Page {

   // Custom colors
   readonly property color blueLightColor: Qt.rgba(0, 147/256.0, 201/256.0, 1)
   // Generic text blue color
   readonly property color blueDarkColor: Qt.rgba(69/256.0, 85/256.0, 105/256.0, 1)
   // Background grey
   readonly property color greyBackgroundColor: Qt.rgba(238/256.0, 238/256.0, 238/256.0, 1)
   // Grey line color
   readonly property color greyLineColor: Qt.rgba(221/256.0, 221/256.0, 221/256.0, 1)

   useSafeArea: false

   // Model
   XmlListModel {
     id: stationsModel

     source: "http://dynamisch.citybikewien.at/citybike_xml.php"
     query: "/stations/station"

     XmlRole { name: "internalId"; query: "internal_id/number()" }
     XmlRole { name: "name"; query: "name/string()" }
     XmlRole { name: "description"; query: "description/string()" }

     XmlRole { name: "latitude"; query: "latitude/number()" }
     XmlRole { name: "longitude"; query: "longitude/number()" }

     XmlRole { name: "availability"; query: "status/string()" }
     XmlRole { name: "boxes"; query: "boxes/string()" }
     XmlRole { name: "freeBoxes"; query: "free_boxes/number()" }
     XmlRole { name: "freeBikes"; query: "free_bikes/number()" }

     onStatusChanged: {
       if (status === XmlListModel.Ready) {

   // Settings
   Settings {
     id: settings

     property var favorites
     onFavoritesChanged: {
       console.debug("Updated favorites", JSON.stringify(favorites))

     Component.onCompleted: {
       if (favorites === undefined) {
         // Add a first favorite for demonstration purposes
         favorites = [ 1021 ]

   ListModel {
     id: favsModel

     function update() {

       // Nearest from GPS coords

       // Add favs
       for (var i = 0; i < stationsModel.count; i++) {
         var station = stationsModel.get(i)
         if (settings.favorites.indexOf(station.internalId) !== -1) {
                    internalId: station.internalId,
                    name: station.name,
                    freeBoxes: station.freeBoxes,
                    freeBikes: station.freeBikes,
                    favorited: settings.favorites.indexOf(station.internalId) !== -1

     function updateNearest() {
       if (!map.userPositionAvailable)

       // Compare current user location with all other stations
       var currentDistance = -1
       var currentIndex = -1

       for (var i = 0; i < stationsModel.count; i++) {
         var station = stationsModel.get(i)

         var distance = map.userPosition.coordinate.distanceTo(QtPositioning.coordinate(station.latitude, station.longitude))
         if (currentDistance === -1 || distance < currentDistance) {
           currentDistance = distance
           currentIndex = i

       // Get station
       if (currentIndex !== -1) {
         var station = stationsModel.get(currentIndex)

         set(0, {
               internalId: station.internalId,
               name: station.name,
               freeBoxes: station.freeBoxes,
               freeBikes: station.freeBikes,
               favorited: settings.favorites.indexOf(station.internalId) !== -1

   NavigationStack {
     splitView: false

     Page {
       id: page

       navigationBarHidden: true

       useSafeArea: false

       property bool displayFreeBikes: true
       property int selectedIndex: -1

       onSelectedIndexChanged: {
         var selectedStation = stationsModel.get(selectedIndex)
         if (selectedStation) {
           currentStationView.stationName = selectedStation.name
           currentStationView.stationBikes = selectedStation.freeBikes
           currentStationView.stationBoxes = selectedStation.freeBoxes
           currentStationView.stationFavorited = settings.favorites.indexOf(selectedStation.internalId) !== -1

       // Header
       Rectangle {
         id: header

         width: parent.width
         height: dp(210) + page.safeArea.insets.top
         // Bring in front of map
         z: 2

         color: greyBackgroundColor

         PageControl {
           id: pageControl

           anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
           anchors.top: parent.top
           anchors.topMargin: Theme.statusBarHeight + dp(10)

           opacity: page.selectedIndex >= 0 ? 0 : 1

           pageIcons: map.userPositionAvailable ? ({ 0: IconType.locationarrow }) : ({})

           tintColor: greyLineColor
           activeTintColor: blueLightColor

           onPageSelected: {

           pages: favsModel.count

         ListView {
           id: innerList

           onContentXChanged: {
             currentIndex = Math.round(contentX / width)
             pageControl.currentPage = currentIndex

           anchors.fill: parent
           anchors.topMargin: pageControl.y + pageControl.height + dp(10)

           visible: !currentStationView.visible

           model: favsModel
           orientation: ListView.Horizontal
           snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem
           highlightFollowsCurrentItem: true

           delegate: StationView {
             width: innerList.width
             height: innerList.height

             stationName: name
             stationBikes: freeBikes
             stationBoxes: freeBoxes
             stationFavorited: favorited

             // We don't use the property signal change handler as this one is also emitted when
             // changing the property in code
             onFavoritedPressed: {
               if (settings.favorites.indexOf(internalId) === -1) {
               else {
                 settings.favorites.splice(settings.favorites.indexOf(internalId), 1)


           function scrollToPage(index) {
             // TODO: Animate
             innerList.positionViewAtIndex(index, ListView.SnapPosition)

         StationView {
           id: currentStationView
           anchors.fill: innerList

           visible: page.selectedIndex >= 0

           backVisible: true

           onBackPressed: {
             page.selectedIndex = -1

           // We don't use the property signal change handler as this one is also emitted when
           // changing the property in code
           onFavoritedPressed: {
             var internalId = stationsModel.get(page.selectedIndex).internalId

             if (settings.favorites.indexOf(internalId) === -1) {
             else {
               settings.favorites.splice(settings.favorites.indexOf(internalId), 1)


         // Drop a shadow on bottom of header
         Rectangle {
           anchors.top: parent.bottom
           width: parent.width
           height: dp(5)

           gradient: Gradient {
             GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#33000000" }
             GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "transparent" }


       AppMap {
         id: map

         anchors.top: header.bottom
         anchors.left: parent.left
         anchors.right: parent.right
         anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

         showUserPosition: true

         plugin: Plugin {
           name: "mapboxgl"

         // Defaults to Vienna, AT
         center: QtPositioning.coordinate(48.208417, 16.372472)
         zoomLevel: 15
         Component.onCompleted: {
           map.center = QtPositioning.coordinate(48.208417, 16.372472)
           map.zoomLevel = 15

         onMapClicked: {
           // Clicked on map, remove current selection
           page.selectedIndex = -1

         onUserPositionChanged: {

         // Station markers
         MapItemView {
           model: stationsModel

           delegate: MapQuickItem {
             coordinate: QtPositioning.coordinate(latitude, longitude)

             anchorPoint.x: image.width * 0.5
             anchorPoint.y: image.height

             sourceItem: AppImage {
               id: image

               width: dp(40)
               height: dp(34)

               source: {
                 // Inactive
                 if (availability !== "aktiv") {
                   return "../assets/pin-grey.png"

                 var freeItems = page.displayFreeBikes ? freeBikes : freeBoxes

                 if (freeItems === 0) {
                   return "../assets/pin-red.png"
                 else if (freeItems <= 2) {
                   return "../assets/pin-orange.png"
                 else {
                   return "../assets/pin-green.png"

               MouseArea {
                 anchors.fill: parent
                 onClicked: {
                   page.selectedIndex = index

       IconButton {
         icon: IconType.locationarrow
         anchors.left: parent.left
         anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
         anchors.leftMargin: dp(10)
         anchors.bottomMargin: dp(10)

         enabled: map.userPositionAvailable

         size: dp(26)

         onClicked: {
Qt_Technology_Partner_RGB_475 Qt_Service_Partner_RGB_475_padded