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  • Release 3.5.0: Run your Qt and Felgo Apps in the Browser with WebAssembly (WASM)

    By Alex April 22, 2020

    Felgo 3.5.0 adds support for WebAssembly (WASM). This allows you to use Felgo and Qt to build applications that also run in the browser. With this update you get access to a new target platform, with the same source code and skills you already used to develop mobile, desktop and embedded apps with Felgo and Qt. Felgo for WebAssembly helps …

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  • How to avoid C++ models in Qt and why you should care

    How to avoid C++ models in Qt and why you should care

    By GT April 4, 2020

    Many tools rely on web technologies like JavaScript and HTML for mobile app development. But a web view does not offer the performance, features and user experience of native apps. While the Qt framework is C++ based, you can also code with QML and JavaScript. In fact, you can create full apps without even touching C++. This post shows how to save …

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  • QML Hot Reload with Felgo Live for Qt

    By Alex March 26, 2020

    Beginning with the latest release of Felgo 3.4.0, developers can use QML Hot Reloading in their Qt and Felgo projects. This is a major step forward from QML Live Reload, available with the previous versions. Here are a few things you should know about QML Hot Reload, and how you can use it to speed up your development massively. The …

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  • Release 3.3.0: Update to Qt 5.13.2 and Qt Creator 4.10.2, Jira Tima App Demo

    By Alex December 3, 2019

    Felgo 3.3.0 adds support for Qt 5.13.2 and Qt Creator 4.10.2, which brings many features and improvements and fixes. On top of that, you get access to a lot of new APIs and theming options on all supported platforms. Check out a new Jira time tracker demo application, that shows how to use several of the new APIs. Migration Hints …

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  • iOS 13: Update to the latest Felgo OneSignal Push Plugin

    By Alex September 19, 2019

    Apple releases iOS 13 on September 19th. If you use Felgo with the OneSignal Push Plugin for iOS and already updated Xcode to use the latest iOS 13 SDK features, you also need to update Felgo and the OneSignal Framework. What changed with iOS 13 and OneSignal Plugin? This update is required because iOS 13 introduces a new behavior on …

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  • Android 64-Bit Support with Qt and Felgo Cloud Builds

    By Alex July 25, 2019

    The Android world is moving to 64-bit and we all have to follow along. Google Play Store is sending out Emails to inform developers about the upcoming changes in August 2019 and August 2021. Here’s what you need to know, how it will affect you as a developer and why any Qt app should use Felgo Cloud Builds to save …

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  • Release-3-2-0-Qt-5123-EcmaScript7-QtCreator-482

    Release 3.2.0: Update to Qt 5.12.3 with ECMAScript 7, Subscriptions, Image Picker and Qt Creator 4.8.2

    By GT May 14, 2019

    Felgo 3.2.0 adds support for Qt 5.12.3 and Qt Creator 4.8.2, which brings many features and improvements. The new long term supported Qt release includes lots of fixes, new modules and adds JavaScript support for ECMAScript 7. The updated Felgo IDE version 4.8.2 is more stable and adds compatibility with the latest toolchains and platforms. This post summarizes all of …

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  • Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) for Qt and Felgo

    By Alex April 17, 2019

    Felgo aims to improve your whole development process, from idea to app store. Today you get access to another piece of the puzzle. Introducing: Felgo Cloud Builds Boost your Qt and Felgo app development with continuous integration and delivery for Qt and Felgo projects. As the only CI/CD exclusively for Felgo/Qt, it enables users to build and distribute apps with …

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  • udemy-qml-tutorial-teaser

    QML Tutorial: How to Create Native Cross Platform Apps with Qt and Felgo | Free Udemy Course

    By GT March 7, 2019

    Learn to build Qt-based cross-platform apps for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android with QML and Felgo (former V-Play)! We created a comprehensive online course on Udemy to show you how: The online course is a perfect fit for both beginners and advanced developers, as it contains many QML best practices and QML architecture tips. And the best part: The …

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  • Release-3-1-0-Plugins-FlickablePage

    Release 3.1.0: New Felgo Plugins Version, Unified App Configuration and FlickablePage

    By GT February 20, 2019

    Felgo 3.1.0 introduces a new Felgo Plugins version and simplifies maintenance with a unified app configuration for Desktop, iOS and Android. The update also adds the new FlickablePage type to the Felgo SDK. New Version 3 for Felgo Plugins Along with a full website rebranding and facelift, the previous SDK release 3.0.0 also introduced the new Felgo module for Felgo apps, games …

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